so i was looking at the post where i put up my new years resolutions. some of them have gone well and some haven't. here is the post with my resolutions. tell me your opinion on how you think i did on them.
  1. my first resolution was to get a job or get into graduate school. well i have applied for all kinds of jobs and had a few interviews but no jobs. and i have been looking into graduate school but i have no idea what i want to do so i have done nothing towards that
  2. lose weight. that will still be on my resolution list next year. i lost 10 pounds so far this year but i need to lose a lot more but it is a start. at least i didn't gain weight like i did last year.
  3. Yeah! i actually completed a resolution. i finished scanning pictures! but last weekend we found some more pictures that really old. my mom is worried that they will tear if we try to take them out of the photo albums so i don't know if i will get to scan them or not. anyway some of them are duplicates of some i have already scanned so it isn't too big of a deal. but i scanned like 3000 pictures this year so as far as i am concerned this resolution is finished!
  4. it has not moved since i made the resolution. i haven't been able to find a lot of our home videos and my computer still freezes up when i try to edit and put them onto dvds so i think this will have to be on my resolution list for next year too.
  5. well i did get a wii and i am walking more so this resolution is still going ok but i still should go to the gym more. and i would like to get more of the wii games that help you be more active.
  6. i did travel once this year! i went to new york this summer for my cousin's graduation party and we went to new york city too so it was a lot of fun. i got to see the statue of liberty and i got to go on my first taxi ride and train ride and we went to central park and all kinds of stuff. it was fun. but i still want to go to the UK and take a big road trip and visit every single state. so i am part way there on this resolution.
oh! and i have my first follower! hi!! i didn't think anyone would follow me when i put that on there but i am glad i did! :)


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