i am never sure if anyone actually reads this blog. but i guess people do because my visit counter says that i have had over 11,000 visits to my blog. i guess no one comments. i totally understand because i only occasionally comment on people's blogs but there are some blogs i look at every day to see if they have been updated. if your blog isn't on my links colum to the right i probably don't read your blog because i don't know it. sorry. today i went to barnes and nobles to get my fix on gossip girl, the clique, private, and the it girls series. yea! no wonder i have too many books in my room and am frequently told that my room is a fire hazard. i guess it is because i know i have at least 1000 books in my room. someday when i get my own house, i am going to have a room just for all my books. i guess like a mini library. which i probably would combine with my office if i need one. i don't know about the office part since i don't have a job yet but i might need one. today i also went to check out the youth building at church because last time i was there they were building classrooms in the old church. it looked neat. they had also put up the art work i helped put together. it was neat to see it hanging up on the wall.


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