so amazon is having 10 weeks of sweepstakes for its 10 year anniversary. last weeks prize was 10 kindles plus accessories. i am sooooo jealous of the person that one that week. the week before that was to go see the jonas brothers in concert in london which would have been so awesome to win too. i never win anything. so have you guys been watching what has been going on with lindsay lohan? every day recently i have seen new things on her. between her being in court late and out of it to her weird father saying she needs help so much but she won't listen to anyone. i wish i could go and straighten her out. i loved her when she was young and she has soooo much talent. she is just wasting away on alcohol and drugs. they say she will be the next health ledger. she has too much talent to die young. if anyone knows her and you are reading this, tell her allison says that i want to support her and help her and be a true friend unlike most of the celebrities out there that probably just make things worse instead of better.


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