so what do you guys think of the new look? did anyone notice the new look? so it is finally november! november and december are my favorite months. i like the cooler weather and they have my favorite holidays! i love thanksgiving and christmas! all the food, music, parades, and family time! does anyone want to be on my card list? i will send you a card if you want. if you want to send me a card, my address is already on a previous post i think in june or july. i still haven't gotten a job yet. :( i am thinking about going back to school and i have thought about a couple of different degrees that i am interested and i am looking into where i can get them and what it is like in those programs. i am not sure if i can get things in gear before classes start in january but maybe i can get things moving before next summer. i wish i had really paid attention to what i wanted to do during high school. i think i would have done things totally different. there are so many things i could have done differently. i am sooo lame. today is election day. i am going to go vote later after the morning rush.
wow. today i was fired. i think that is the shortest time someone has worked anywhere. i think i lasted 3 weeks. unless you count the girl that trained with me that never showed up after that day. maybe she had the right idea. oh well more time spend with my family because i think i was suppose to work next week. now instant vacation again! and on again the job search/soul search/ where is my future search. at least i like the weather. hopefully i have a good christmas. i don't deserve anything at all but hopefully i will be surprised.