so what do you guys think of the new look? did anyone notice the new look? so it is finally november! november and december are my favorite months. i like the cooler weather and they have my favorite holidays! i love thanksgiving and christmas! all the food, music, parades, and family time! does anyone want to be on my card list? i will send you a card if you want. if you want to send me a card, my address is already on a previous post i think in june or july. i still haven't gotten a job yet. :( i am thinking about going back to school and i have thought about a couple of different degrees that i am interested and i am looking into where i can get them and what it is like in those programs. i am not sure if i can get things in gear before classes start in january but maybe i can get things moving before next summer. i wish i had really paid attention to what i wanted to do during high school. i think i would have done things totally different. there are so many things i could have done differently. i am sooo lame. today is election day. i am going to go vote later after the morning rush.


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