
anyway. we finally hooked up the desktop that was in my room into the playroom so now ainsley can get on her instant messaging without geting on my laptop or coming into my room. i am happy about that. maybe she won't take over my room after i go to college this year. 5 weeks from tommorrow school starts!! ainsley starts 3 weeks from tuesday. still haven't planned vacation yet. my dad keeps saying that we haven't decided on where to go yet. and i was like yeah destin. and then he was like well not everyone wants to go there. that was after he said we probably wouldn't like it there and wouldn't have fun and stuff because all you can do is deep sea fishing and shopping. and i am like i love to shop. if you give me money, i would probably spend it all in an hour. anyway hopefully it will be planned asap. we are suppose to be leaving in like 2 weeks. anyway, i couldn't sleep last night. i couldn't fall asleep until almost 5am!!! but at least i could sleep until like 11. but hopefully i can fall asleep easier tonight. i thought about getting sleeping pills while i was at the store but i didn't because i don't know anything about them and i don't know if you need a perscription or anything. i have been having a lot of trouble falling asleep this past week. if i haave anymore trouble i will really look into them. i am somewhat scared at staying home by myself this week but i am sure i will get over it. i am thinking about having a friend come sleep over each night so i won't be as scared. if you guys read this and can come over call me or im me so we can talk about it!!!! anyone have any ideas about what i can do this week so i wont be so bored while everyone is gone? i think i might go to the movies a couple times to see some movies. i will probably see harry potter again. i don't know what else i will see but i will have to look at the listing and decide on what i would like to see. if you guys want to go see a movie call me!!!


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