
Start time: 7:00 pm
the LAST...

-movie you rented= MASH, Kindegarten Cop, and Miricale
-movie you bought= Bend it like beckham, X-men 2, and uptown girls
-song you listened to= don't remember
-song that was stuck in your head= don't remember either!!
-cd you bought= Hanson
-cd you listened to= hanson
-person you called= don't know that was too long ago!!
-person who called you= mrs. donahue
-tv show you watched= The simpsons
-person you were thinking of= Robin


-you have a crush on someone= Yeah of Course!!
-you wish you could live somewhere else= NYC
-others find you attractive= probably not but you never know
-you want more piercings= Nope, I am content
-you like cleaning= Somtimes when the mood hits me to clean
-you like roller coasters= NO
-you write in cursive or print= Print
-long distance relationships work= maybe
-you like using someone= no
-you like killing people= Crap no!!!
-you like teenage smoking= I don't like Smoking
-you like driving drunk= that can kill u
-you like soap operas= not really


-ever cried over a boy/girl= Yeah
-ever lied to someone= Yes
-ever been in a fist fight= No, I don't think I wanna be
-ever been arrested= Nope


-shampoo do you use= herbal Essence
-shoes do you wear= tennis shoes
-are you scared of= being alone late at night sometimes i scare myself


-of times I have been in love?= lots of crushes but not IN LOVE
-of times I have had my heart broken?= 0
-of hearts I have broken?= 0
-of times my name has appeared in the newspaper= 1
-of scars on my body?= Many
-of things in my past that I regret?= Too many to count


-funny= sometimes
-hot= hahahaha No
-friendly= Yup
-amusing= not sure
-loveable= Yeah
-caring= Yup
-sweet= probably unless you get on my nerves
-dorky= Yay!


-slept in your bed= Me
-saw you cry= the pillow
-movie that made you cry= i am not sure
-you went to the movies with= robin and ainsley
-yelled at you= Mom
-sent you an email= some kind of spam


-said "I love you" and meant it= Yes
-gone out in public in your pajamas= Yup Lots
-kept a secret from everyone= yup
-cried during a movie= Many times
-planned your week based on the TV Guide= No
-been on stage= painting the set for Musical comedy murders of 1940
-been to New York= Yup
-been to California= no
-been to Hawaii= no
-been to Japan= no
-been to Canada= no
-been to Europe= No
-been to Asia= no
-been down South= Yup
-what time is it now= 7:09 pm


-apples or bananas= Apples
-blue or red= blue
-walmart or target= Walmart
-spring or fall= Fall
-What are you gonna do after you finish this= Write in my journal
-what was the last meal you ate= lunch
-are you bored= Yup
-last noise you heard= the tv
-last smell you sniffed= food


-do you believe in love at first sight= Yes
-do you want children one day & if so, how many= Yes 2
-most important thing to you in a friendship is= Trust


-criminal record= Not yet
-do you speak any other languages= some spanish but not much
-last book you read= Cold Fire
-name some of your favorite things in your bedroom= My bed, all of my books, computer, and cds
-who you love= I don't know yet
-who you miss= no one
-nickname(s)= Allie, Frick
-initials= Asc
-how old do you look= not sure
-how old do you act= it changes all the time
-glasses/contacts= Glasses
-braces- no but i need them
-do you have any pets= yep a cute doggie and a kitty-cat
-you get embarrassed= Yeah *blush*
-what makes you happy= Books, my computer
-what upsets you= No trust, being used, people dying


-i love to...sleep and watch tv
-i bed
-i wish...certian people would write me back
-i am...lazy
-i want to be...skinny
-i would never...have a boob job
-i'd rather...spend my money on better things
-i am tired of...being treated like a child
-i will always

Finish time: 7:16 p.m.


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