4th of July

today is the 4th of July!! um....we are going to go to the race track tonight to see the horse races and firworks and stuff. not much has been going on. i went to the gym yesterday and then i went to target (which is right across the highway from the gym) and i got 2 new cds. i got the new hanson cd....i know i am wierd but i still like their music but i am not gagga about them...just like their music. i also got the disney movie soundtrack where there are songs from disney movies on it like from freaky friday and the princess diaries. it is pretty good. i also got some new books to read. i finished one already! it was good. it was the first book of a series call the daughters of the moon. it is pretty interesting i think. i might get the second book soon as soon as i finish all the other books i haven't read yet. i am now reading Alice, i think i have so many books i want to read. i also want to read the lord of the rings trilogy i have already read The Hobbit but i think i will read it again because i read it in the 7th grade and i have sort of forgotten some of the things in the book so it might be good to read it again. i also have lots of different series that i want to finish up too like the so you want to be a wizard series and the anne of green gables series. email me or comment on what you guys think of these books!!does anyone have a copy of the Microsoft Frontpage that they would like to lend to me so i dont have to go out and buy it? i am trying to save money since i spen a lot of $$ yesterday on books and cds. i think it is easier to make a website in frontpage than in word. if you guys go to you can see my webpage that i made in word. its not that great.i need to redo it soon. it needs more color and it just has boring info in it anyway. i am thinking about making a top ten list page for it. you guys tell me what you did today. i wouldn't mind just having a couple of people over for swimming and a cook out but i think my girl scout troop is doing that next weekend so i guess i can wait until then but yesterday we made hamburgers on the grill. they were so good. i cant wait until the next harry potter book comes out. anyone know when?? i also cant wait untill the next movie comes out. ron and harry have become very cute!!


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