Pictures and things

i have a new blog that i made the other day but i will probably use this the most. Greatest Journal also i had created another one a long long time ago that if you go look at it you can see that i sort of forgot about it and then i remebered it. so you guys can look at that too. it wouldn't be as good as this one but if you guys look between all three of these blogs you will be able to figure out what is going on in my life while i am in college.Blurty i included the links for those so you can look at them too. anyway...did everyone have a good 4th of july? my family and i went to the race track. we bet on almost all the races except for i think the 1st and 2nd ones. but ainsley did such a good job on picking horses! a couple that she picked got 1st the one that i picked got 4th. they had a psychic so ainsley and i went to see them and it was sorta interesting. it would be interesting to see if all the stuff that they said would come true. they said i will get married at 29 and have 3 kids and live a long life. they also said i will meet a guy in 2 months and he will be tall and blonde-ish. they said some other stuff but that is the basic stuff that is easy to explain. i am watching le tour de France right now. it would be interesting to see if lance wins again this year. that would be amazing. 6 in a row!! there was a crash in the stage that i am watching...i think it is stage 3 because they are showing stage 4 live tommorrow morning. i am trying to get my parents to let me stay home during sectionals this year. i don't really want to go up to austin but if i do go i will probably take my computer and stay on the internet the whole time. that might be fun. it will be a way to get away from home and still have fun by staying in the hotel and surfing the net. do you guys like all the pictures i have put up recently?


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