
Hey!! i am back. anyway, i have rearranged my room a bit. i switched a couple of things around. i have pretty much been reading, sleeping, watching tv......that sort of thing. waiting for something interesting to happen. my sister is getting on my nerves so much. she wants to use my computer all the time to just instant message people. i wouldn't mind letting her use it if she would do something more constructive than just IMing people. like i would let her use my computer if she had a website to keep up or a blog to update but just to IM people is not a good reason to use someone elses computer. so i tell her that i could set up my old computer in her room and then she could get on it for IM and she wouldn't have to use MY COMPUTER. it is just that she isn't the best at using computers and i am just scared she is going to mess up my computer. it seems like i always have to help her with stuff. i also don't mind if she only got on every once in a while but she gets on every day when she should be doing something constructive. and she lets it just sit there until her friends get on. and that could take forever and then they talk about the stupidest stuff. and if she has something really important to tell them then she should call them! i can't wait to go to college and get away from these people!!!


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