yeah!! boston won last night!! st. louis didn't even have a chance!! i have been reading a lot lately. i am rereading the left behind series again. i don't know how many times i have read those books. the only other series that i reread as much as i do this series is harry potter. i can't wait until the 6th book comes out. that is what i want for christmas if it comes out before than. another thing that i want for christmas is the 3rd harry potter movie. that will give you guys a head start on christmas shopping if you want to get me anything. mom and i are hopefully going to look at some colleges tomorrow. i need to go look up about some tours so i am going to go now!!
wow. today i was fired. i think that is the shortest time someone has worked anywhere. i think i lasted 3 weeks. unless you count the girl that trained with me that never showed up after that day. maybe she had the right idea. oh well more time spend with my family because i think i was suppose to work next week. now instant vacation again! and on again the job search/soul search/ where is my future search. at least i like the weather. hopefully i have a good christmas. i don't deserve anything at all but hopefully i will be surprised.