swim meet

so tonight klein had a varsity meet against elkins. it was at klein. but klein football also had a game. at every meet we always have 2 or 3 trainers there. we started at 6pm and the football game started at 7:30 pm. so i am sure you guys can figure out what happened from here. the stupid trainers left the meet early to go to the football game. but wouldn't you know it that something bad happened? yep!! you got it!! a girl fainted or something in the 2nd to last event!! and was there anybody there to help her? well there were plenty of us but none of knew what to do! that is why we have the trainers there in case something bad happens. but one of the people that trains the trainers come from the stadium i think but we finally got the girl up and everything turned out fine but what if something bad happened? that made me so mad!!! why couldn't they stay for 1 stinking more half hour? i think we finished around 8pm. all i know is that i got home about 8:30pm and i helped clean up a bit!!! gezz!!
well i am downloading some new virus scan software because i had put the virus scan stuff from the school on my computer in august but of course i don't go there anymore and i had only a trial version before that so i didn't have any virus scan software on my computer. i like the trial version that i had so i am buying the full thing and downloading it. it is McAfee. does anyone else have that or norton?
Ainsley swam pretty well tonight. she swam a lot better than she has in a while. she is thinking about switching to KA. she has been swimming with them for a few days and i think it has done some good already. brian who would be her coach there used to be a backstroker i think so i think that is good. but i am starting to think that it is a good idea. she needs to decide pretty soon so she can swim on relays at sectionals in febuary. because when you switch teams you are unattached for a certian amount of days after the last meet you swam at with your previous team. and when you are unattached you can't be on relays and when you score points it doesn't go towards the team that you swim with. in this case it would go to unattached-KA.
my mom is taking next week off!! yeah!! i am excited. instead of going to visit colleges today, my mom finished up some billing at work so she can take all of next week off instead of having to go in a few days. but we are going to go on some tours next week. we will probably look at cars too and search for a job!
tomorrow is the jv invite. i am going to work at it. and then sunday is HALLOWEEN!!! i am not going trick or treating or anything but i did put up decorations. then next week we get to put up thanksgiving decorations!! yeah!! then comes christmas!!!! i love christmas!! my 2 favorite holidays are christmas and thanksgiving. mainly for the food and then presents!! i know i am a greedy little person!!just kidding!!


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