books and things

i finished 1984. it was good. i am so glad that life isn't really like that!! i am now reading the adventures of huckleberry finn and the adventures of tom swayer. i am also going to read the left behind series(again). i have lots of different books that i want to read. maybe i might post a list of books i am going to read this semester while i am not in school. i was proud of myself for finishing 1984.
ainsley has a meet in fort bend tomorrow. she is swimming the 100 im and 100 breast. not exactly her best events but ok. might be able to show coach that she is good at breast too. i think she is probably the best breaststroker on the team which isn't saying much since that is not her best event. oh well. the team stinks this year. ainsley and kirsten and maybe mariam and jayme are the team this year. that is not that great. we don't have it much better on the boys side but the fish might surprise us!! oh well.
not much is going on. i was looking on the CarMax website to see what kind of deals i can get on cars. so i looked up my ideal car which is a blue bug. i found a used one for only $10,000. i think that that is a pretty good price because it only has 50,000 miles on it. and only a '99. there was a picture and it looks in good shape and they are pretty new!! so i printed out the page and told my mom about it. well then she informed me that most likely my mom will be the one that will get the new car or at least the new used car and either ainsley or i will get the altima. i think that is a little unfair because mom just got that car less than 2 years ago. and andrew got to pick out his 2nd car after he wrecked his first car!! i think it would just be fair to let me get a car. but life is not fair is it? i had the initiative to look online and look and what do i get? a big lousy you are not getting a car i am thing. thanks a lot!!


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