
so i am now officially on summer vacation for a week and half! i had my last final yesterday. now i just have to wait for my grades. i sometimes think that is the hardest part. i am pretty positive that i past. even my finance class. i think i had to get like a 20 to pass the class. but an 80 to get a B. i am hoping that i get a B but i guess i would be happy with a passing grade too. just as long as i get credit for the class. i don't really want to have to repeat the class. i also like having only 4 classes on my schedule. it is a lot easier. and i don't want to have to take finance and statistics together. once i get my grades back i am going to apply for graduation! i have to apply before september 17 or something like that. i might even make a visit to my advisor before i apply too.
so i have lots of cleaning up to do that was neglected during summer school.
so i am still waiting for that guy to pay for the phone i sold on ebay. but i told him that i will give him until friday to pay. i kinda would like to report them to ebay. but i guess there is no garrentee that i will be able to sell it again.


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