
swimming is awesome! last nights relay was so amazing!
so i get so much spam every day that i have decided to stop deleting it and let it start building up in my spam folder. i just want to see how fast it builds up. it has been about a day and half and i already have over 200 spam emails. i want to see how fast it gets up to 1000. i wonder if there is a limit in how much you can have in your spam folder. i wonder if it gets to certian point that yahoo will just delete it. i know they delete it after 30 days but i wonder if they would ever delete it before that. maybe we will see how much i get in 3o days. maybe i will go for a record. is there a record? maybe i can set one if there isn't one.
today and tomorrow are my last days of summer school. then i start school again on august 25. but it will be my last semester! i can't believe it.


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