i don't have a creative title to put here

i can't believe it is december already!! wow!! i have gotten a few people's christmas presents already. i still have some more to get. i actually went to the gym 3 days in a row this week!! since my mom has been out of town i get to use her car!! but i amazed myself!! we put up some of our christmas decorations. still need to get our tree but we will do that soon. that is pretty much it.we have to be carefull where we put the tree too because andrew is bringing murphy home and we know that murphy is just going to run into it somehow if we put it where we usually put which is in the middle of the living room so we are going to have to put it in a corner so he can only hit it from one side if he wants you know? anyway for all of those who don't know who murphy is he is a golden retriever puppy. i have posted pictures of him here. i think he is barely 6 monthes old but he has gotten so big. i am not sure if he is used to wood and tile floors either because i haven't seen andrew's new house so i am sure he will slip and slide like ben does sometimes.


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