Happy New Year!!!!

hey!!! sorry i haven't posted in a while!!! Merry christmas!!! it is almost 2005!!! hopefully i will be able to accomplish my resolutions. i will post them when i know them!!! anyway i have had a christmas. i got a lot that i wanted. i got a digital camera!!! i have already taken some pictures of Murphy. i will post them when i get them off my camera. i got princess diaries 2. some giftcards. lots money. i didn't get a lot but i didn't exactly want a lot. but i got money and giftcards to buy what i want. and i had said that i didn't want any clothes so i didn't get any. i think we might go shopping this weekend. i want to get another pair of jeans. i got some jeans at the beginning of the school year that are very comfortable. i want to get another pair. and some more shirts but i am so picky so i want to go pick them out myself. i am going to go up to college station with my best friend Robin when she moves back in and stuff. we will definitly go to Freebirds!!!! and maybe we will tour around. it will be fun!!! 18 days until school starts. i can't believe it. i am going to go figure out where my classes are during the 18 days i have left. and i might get my books.


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