Thanksgiving weekend summary

so this weekend was fun!! lots of good food!! i had my best friend's family come over thanksgiving. we have been doing this forever. anyway this year her brother, wife and kid come too. it was very entertaining. she would run around in circles saying nonsense stuff but it was so cute. but it was fun. this weekend we put up the christmas decorations. my mom got my dad 3 reindeer for their anniversary. so now they are outside with all the lights. i know that doesn't sound like a great anniversary present but every year my dad wants to get some reindeer to put in our yard. but every year we don't get them because either they are too expensive when we look or they are sold out or something. so my mom found them on sale and she had a 20% off coupon so they ended up being a great deal. on friday we went to the Taste of Texas for their anniversary. very yummy. i have posted this wish list thing that i found on someone's site. try it.


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