
so today is the first day of november!! yeah!!we are entering the holiday season!! i love the holidays!!! i went to randalls on saturday and they already have christmas stuff out!! i am serious!! i can't believe it!! i have barely gotten down the halloween stuff!! well i have gotten them together but i need to pack them up and put them in the attic. then i will get out the thanksgiving stuff! and then it will be christmas!! i love christmas.
yesterday we only had one set of trick or treaters!! i couldn't believe it! we had our lights on and everything!! grrr.... oh well their lose!! they don't get our candy!! we do!! last night we watched the haunting. (the original one) it wasn't too bad. a lot less scary than i thought it would be. sorta like when i saw the ring it was a lot less scarry than i thought it would be. and then we went to a different channel and the new the haunting is going to be on that channel next weekend!! i think that is so funny!!


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