so my first week of school is almost over. it has been ok. my classes are pretty interesting. i dropped my PSC 141 class because it wasn't exactly what i expected so i signed up for PSC 142 because that is the class that i really wanted to take. so i signed up for it yesterday. so tomorrow will be the first day i go to that class so i don't know if i like it or not but hopefully i will!! but i like all the classes that i have been to.
i have met so many new people i can't remember all their names but i can remember some of their names!! yeah!!
dinner yesterday made me sick. you guys probably don't want me to get into that but if you want to know what happened just ask. i am so tired. i haven't been on a schedule in a long time so waking up at 7am every day for classes is very tiring. i will eventually get used to it.
my longest walk is to my art history class. it is all the way on the other side of campus. but the rest of my classes are pretty close by.
i had the bookstore box up my books so i could just pick them all up when i got here but guess what they gave me the wrong art book and they gave me an extra book for my PSC 141 class but i ended up dropping that class anyway so i had to return a total of 3 books. but i got a full refund of it so it is ok. they told us to go to our english class before we buy our english books. so i went to class and found out which books i needed. so when i went to buy it guess what? they were all out of one of the books i needed. but i don't need that book right away so it is ok. i did get the english book that i need right now. i am going to buy the PSC 142 books after i find out which ones i need from the professor tomorrow. hopefully they will still have it!!
i am going home this weekend. i have to admit it: i am homesick. my room is mostly organized. i am taking home some stuff that i don't need here. i might also bring some stuff that i forgot back with me.
i am getting along with my roommate so far. but she is always talking to her boyfriend on the phone and stuff. it doesn't bother me that much because i don't know how it would be if i had a boyfriend still at home so i can't get mad. anyway i know i can sleep through pretty much anything so it is ok i guess. anyway i can watch her tv!!
it has been pretty cool here in the morning like before 8 am but it warms up as the day goes on but it isnt too bad!! yeah!!


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