yeah! i am going to see harry potter tonight!!at midnight!! yeah!! i am excited!! i am going with some very close pals(robin!!!! and christine!!!)!!! lots of excitement here if you can't tell. i can't wait to see the part were hermione hits malfoy!! that is so cool!! yeah!!anyway i think iam going to get a tv and dvd player tommorrow for my room. i probably wont take it to college but i want to have one in my room so i can play my gamecube as loud as i want without being yelled at to turn it down or someone saying turn it off. anyway the tv that i have my gamecube on is like as old as i am!! i had to get a special connector to be able to play on it!! it doesn't have those a/v outlets! doesn't that tell you something?the coloring of it is awful! anyway later i will report what i think of harry potter! you know it is like $9.50 a ticket!! that is so expensive!! and i thought $6.50 was expensive!
wow. today i was fired. i think that is the shortest time someone has worked anywhere. i think i lasted 3 weeks. unless you count the girl that trained with me that never showed up after that day. maybe she had the right idea. oh well more time spend with my family because i think i was suppose to work next week. now instant vacation again! and on again the job search/soul search/ where is my future search. at least i like the weather. hopefully i have a good christmas. i don't deserve anything at all but hopefully i will be surprised.