
General Stuff

Starting time - 10:48 pm
Full name - Allison
Zodiac - Taurus
Chinese Zodiac - no idea
School - SFA
Hair color - brown
Gender - female

Have you ever

... been so drunk that you blacked out? No.
... set any body part on fire for amusement? No.
... kept a secret from everybody? Yes.
... wanted to hook up with a friend? Yep.
... cried during a movie? Yes.
... ever liked a teacher? mr schrader, mr rock, mr jackson!
... ever thought an animated character was hot? not really
... ever prank called someone? Yes.
... been on stage? Many a times.
... fought with your parents? yes
... laughed until you cried? no i stop when i can't breathe
... watched a sunrise or a sunset? Yes
... went to the beach at night? No.
... been mean? Ask Ainsley
... been sarcastic? Yes.


Are you happy? Yes.
Are you talking to someone online? yes
Eating? Nope.
Drinking? no


Shampoo - Pantene Pro-V
Soap - scented
Color - Blue
Day or night - night
Kind of music - oldies
Soda - coke
Car - silver taurus
Perfume or cologne - none
Favorite radio station - "Good time and Great Oldies" at 107.5 KLDE
Website -
Subject in school - computer class
least favorite subject - physics
Food - pasta
Movie - i like so many...
Place - my room!!
Holiday - Christmas
Lace or satin - Satin.
Place to chill at - my room again!!
Ice cream - chocolate chip cookie dough
Cartoon character - the simpsons


Who named you? my parents
What was the last thing you ate? mashed potatoes and chicken
Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? someone i love and can live with and get along with
How many buddies on your list? 28
First son's name? alex
First daughter's name? catherine
Do you make fun of people? Yep.
One pillow or two? one
Piercing or tattoo? two piercing on each ear.
Favorite quotes? now that is tastless without being gaudy
Do you like to swim? Yes.
Do you have a job? computer operations with the swim team
Pencil or pen? Pen
Who's better, boys or girls? don't know
Do you sing in the shower? no
Would you ever go bungee-jumping? No
Do you enjoy reading? very much!
What was the last movie you saw? The Terminal
Would you ever have cosmetic surgery? maybe liposucsion
What is your worst habit? Procrastination.
Do you organize your cds? by when i buy them
The best way to die? in your sleep
When do you want to die? before i get to old to be able to do things

Ending time 11:26 pm

got this survey from Julia's blog. i am excited about tommorrow... i am going to see spider-man paid today. school starts exactly 2 months from tommorrow!!


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