I haven't been on here in more than 2 years. What has happened in that time? Everything from going from having savings and a job and a car and computer and pretty much anything I want and people that I at least thought cared about me to being betrayed by those people or having my heart broken by them stepped on. Broke and having absolutely nothing. Having clothes that are 3 and 4 sizes too big but not being able to get new ones. I guess I am lucky enough to have clean clothes. I got no job. I have seen shoot outs. Learned about life that I never thought I would. I had book smarts before but I know have learned street smarts. Am I happy? No. I am hungry a lot. I am haunted by my past and it hurts me every day. I crave the love I thought I had from people but I see how easy people disappear when your life gets bad. It makes me want to go down the rode that people already assume I have gone down. Sometimes I want to do drugs and get fucked up to just forget everything. To numb the pain. I can't even talk to no one anymore. I got no one. I am one step away from living on the streets and no one cares. No one knows that pain until you are here. And I hope you never are. Because once you are here there is no way out. Everyone hates you and everyone that you thought was real is just fake.
it is almost the end of the day. i feel like i have gotten a lot of homework done. i finished all of my math homework. i have almost finised A Common Sense. i only have like 15 pages to read. i have highlighted a lot of stuff to put in my answers. there are 10 questions i have to answer on it and i have answers for at least 6 of them. i think the rest of the answers are in the last chapter. i was just getting a little tired from reading all that. the book itself isn't that long but it has an introduction that my mom said i should read. i think it was helpfull because it gave a background to Thomas Paine about him and stuff so i know a little bit more about him and why he wrote the stuff he did and all. after i finish all this stuff (which includes typing out all my answers) i will probably start working on my english paper. which isn't due until march 8th i think so i have a few weeks to work on that still. i already have a rough draft and someone from my class read it for me a...