Happy new year.... I guess. This morning I have been thinking how my life has changed in the past year. It just seems like the bad overshadows the good. I feel like I have lost you. I really miss our friendship. You made me feel so happy. And now I don't even know if you think about me at all. Every day I miss you, I miss how much we use to talk and how good and happy you made me feel. Now I feel like everything has gone wrong. Things are so stressful and it feels 10x worse because you aren't there. To talk to or give me a hug or just anything. I feel so lost and alone. It feels like everyone has disappeared.
wow. today i was fired. i think that is the shortest time someone has worked anywhere. i think i lasted 3 weeks. unless you count the girl that trained with me that never showed up after that day. maybe she had the right idea. oh well more time spend with my family because i think i was suppose to work next week. now instant vacation again! and on again the job search/soul search/ where is my future search. at least i like the weather. hopefully i have a good christmas. i don't deserve anything at all but hopefully i will be surprised.