anyone out there?

i know i am not much on commenting on peoples blogs (well i only read like 3 that are out there.....) but i do comment when i feel strongly about something or really feel like saying something. but i always wonder who is visiting my blog. maybe i should call this the roll call post or something. i would like to meet the people that are reading my blog. comment please and introduce yourself! if i already know you, just say hi! and add a stupid comment or something!
instead of my knees hurting, my left foot hurts. i used to get those charlie horses all the time and a lot of times during swim practice (which really hurts by the way!) i wonder if this is connected to that. like if i sit for a while and then get up, it hurts to walk on. then once i walk around for a while it would stop hurting and feel normal again. maybe i should take more vitamins.
tomorrow i am actually going to take my computer to school! i just hope it doesn't get broken/stolen. i need to take it because tomorrow is sign up day to schedule my first statistics test (which is taken on a computer at school so that is why we have to sign up to take it and no partial credit no fair!) and i have to sign up my group presentation day and i want to be able to have the best pick. anyway on mondays and wednesday i always get there so early and way before my class times so i always get bored and end up finishing a book while i wait. parking is so ridiculus at school. i get to school by 9:30 and the parking lots are all almost full! i always end up parking almost out by the highway! it is so bad and they are talking about shutting down another parking lot to build a parking garage. that is after they shut down a parking lot to build graduate lofts! (why i ask you! most graduate students i know either have families or don't want to live on campus anyway! what is the point? why not just upgrade one of the dorms? the dorms need to be redone anyway.) UH really needs to watch what they do with parking. they oversell the parking garage and really need more parking lots to handle all the commuters. they don't seem to get that like 75% of the students are commuters. everyone i talk to does not live on campus. i know some that live like 5 minutes from campus. but they still need to drive to school.


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