more summer

so i did pretty well the first summer session. an A and B+. it raised my GPA. i don't know if the second session will go as well. finance is hard. but i am doing a lot better in it than some people are. i just have 3 weeks left of summer school. this will hopefully be my last summer school i will ever have to take. graduation is in sight. i only have 4 classes to take after summer school is over. i am just scared that i won't get a job after i graduate. i am planning to go the career services soon. i have been updating my resume because i think that will be the first thing they ask for. oh! and i finally got my diploma for my AA from cyfair! i am excited. i might get it framed with my UH diploma or at least in matching frames. i might even do the same with my high school diploma.
so my parents took me to this doctor they had heard about on the radio. they thought that they could help me get better. anyway i am on this crazy yeast free diet. the main part is a month long. there is a super long list of things that you can't have especially anything with yeast and sugar. mainly you can have some meats, lots of vegetables, nuts and after 2 weeks you can add back in fruits. so i am almost to that point where i can have fruits again. the past 2 weeks have been so hard. but i am about to be on the easier side and getting closer to when i can add back in my favorite foods again. they also comfirmed how i thought that i had a really slow metabilism. i have been taking this thyroid medicine. i have been on the diet for 2 weeks and the thyroid medicine for almost a month. i have lost close to 20 pounds. i hope to lose 30 pounds total before the month is over.
i have been selling stuff on ebay this month. i put some old calendars on there at first. amazingly people have bought them. 2 were old backstreet boys calendars and 2 were simpsons calendars. then today i sold a peanuts calendar. then i listed an old cell phone that had a cracked screen. i put it in the description that it was cracked and even put a picture up of it. someone bought it. then it got delivered. and the buyer didn't even give it 2 hours before demanding a refund and sending it back even after i told them where they could get it fixed. so i got it back and got it fixed and i am hoping to get triple what i sold it for originally. i would love to laugh in that stupid person's face. so i am going to try to sell more stuff on ebay. i have a store on amazon but my stuff doesn't go too fast on there. once i have sold the stuff i already have on ebay, i will transfer some of my amazon stuff to ebay. if anyone has anything they want to sell, i can try to sell it for you or suggest you start one of your own. basically on ebay you take a picture of your item and write a description and choose a price. then the website does the rest for you. its pretty much the same for amazon but you don't take a picture for amazon.


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