looking forward to the weekend!

oh yea i am! this week i had 4 tests and a project due! i wish that i had these test before spring break. but i am almost done with them. i have one more test tomorrow and then i will be done! in 2 of my classes i just have the final (or last test) and that is all. in 2 of my other classes i have 2 more test and then i am done. in my business law and ethics class, i just have to do a group project and a paper that i have already started. in my entrepreneurism class i have to finish a group project. in 3 of my classes i have group projects. i hate group projects. i am ready for this semester to be over!! i am still deciding between working this summer or taking summer school. i will probably take summer school but i am not sure still...depends on the classes being offered and stuff.
so i have lost 7.2 pounds over the past 2 months... kinda slow but i haven't really gained any back you know. like some weeks i will lose like .2 or something but other weeks i would lose 1.2 or something or stay the same. slow but i am doing it.


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