
so today is thanksgiving!! my mom has already put the turkey in the oven and our house smells sooooo good!! i love thanksgiving!! so much good food!! and i am watching the houston parade on Fox! ainsley made it home last night and then we went to El Rincon for dinner after we picked her up. i love mexican food!! and one of ainsley's friends were there too so she had fun seeing them too and obviously sean came to have dinner with that and ainsley was excited about seeing him. i think he was #1 on her list of people to see this weekend. and they are out again this morning together but ainsley promised to be home in time for dinner which i think we are going to have around 1? i think that is what we are shooting for.....and then we get to go have dessert!! at Robin's new house!! i am excited!! yea for pie!! cherry pie is my favorite!!


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