
i just got back from orientation at U of H!! so i have signed up for all my classes for the fall and got my id done. i was going to go to the housing to see if they would have my housing assignment but then i thought they probably wouldn't so we didn't go. i also wanted to get my parking pass but if i didn't know where i was living i wouldn't know where i would want to park. so i will probably make another trip there sometime this summer. here is my fall class schedule:
Accounting 2332- managerial accounting TTh 10:00-11:30
Economics 2304- microeconomics TTh 1:00-2:30
Management 3335-Introduction to Organization Behavior and Management MW 8:30-10:00
Marketing 3336-Elements of Marketing Management TTh 2:30-4:00
Political Science1337- Government II MWF 11:00-12:00
i love Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays!! because i will get to be done by lunch!! i think it is worth it to get up a little early to be done that early! in the mail today, i got a letter saying that i made the president's list again in the spring semester. if you guys remeber i also made it last fall too! so that is 2 semesters in a row!! yay!!


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