
yesterday i got some more birthday presents!! yay!! :) i got harry potter and the goblet of fire (the one with the 2 discs!) and full house season 3 from robin!!! thank you!! and i got this cute little necklace and top from my grandpa.
today i went to the gym for the first time in a couple of weeks. i am terrible about going sometimes. but i am not that sore....probably should work harder....i did walk a mile in under 30 minutes though! i know people run that in like 4 minutes and are laughing at me walking it in less than 30 but i will never run again in my life. running hates me and i hate running. for those who do not know, running is what caused me to have knee trouble 2 years ago and i had to have knee surgery because of it! i think i did it in like 25 minutes.
1 week left of classes and 2 weeks from tomorrow, i will be taking my last final!! yay!! it seems like my finals are late. because i have read other peoples blogs and they are like finals are next week gotta study thing.
new summer school schedule:
Sociology 1301 Introduction to Sociology
Summer Session I
Accounting 24o1 principals of Accounting I
8:00-10:00 lecture
10:20-11:30 Lab
Math 1325
so now i have a break for lunch. does anyone know if willowchase has a cafeteria? i have never been there before so i am not sure what it is like. i just know it is so much closer to my house then where i currently go and it will make the 8AM class so much easier!
i have gotten the new Internet Explorer 7. does anyone else have it? i like it. it seems so much sharper.


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