crushes part 2

so i e-mailed him telling him that i liked him and all that. i couldn't really tell him in person because i haven't seen him since school ended and i don't have his phone # but i did have his e-mail address so i e-mailed him. i am not sure if that is the right way to tell a guy that you like him but i did. he hasn't replied or anything and he probably won't either. i probably scared him off. for thos who are interested his name is Chris.
talking about girlfriend/ brother's girlfriend is coming to visit for like 10 days. you know what i just realized? my brother has a girlfriend, my sister has a boyfriend and my parents obviously have each other. i am the only one in the family without someone. i have never had a boyfriend either. that is kinda sad. i have never even kissed before. hopefully someday i will find the one....
sorry about the past couple of post about my lack of love life....


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