
so yeah i have a trojan on my computer. i think i have gotten it off my computer. well anyway after i realized what it was i blocked it from getting internet access so hopefully it won't go to any of my friends.
so i am sorta enjoying my 3-week english class. we had to do lots of boring reading but soon we will get into reading stories and poems and stuff so that won't be too bad!! and the papers don't sound too bad. we have to do 5 critical analsysis on stories that we will read in the book and it only has to be one page. it will be turned in on the last week but i have already done one. we are turning the first one in tomorrow so she can look at them and see if we have the right idea and make corrections and stuff. and then we had to pick a story to present on during the next 2 weeks. i pick this story called A good man is hard to find by Flannery O'Connor. it is sorta interesting but i haven't read the whole thing yet so this could turn out to be an interesting presentation. you have to write a paper too on it but that would be easy because you put the same info into both things. and then we have to do a persausive paper due the last day but i think we will work on it in stages in class. so most of the major grades will be due at the end. anyway my teacher seems nice and i am almost done with the first week!!! so i am almost a third of the way through!!
yeah!! and i am looking forward to my summer classes. i realized that i only have like a week of vacation at the end!!! i don't know what i am going to do during that week. most likely i will spend some quality time with a certian murphy-dog. who i think is very adorable. andrew took him to the beach this week. murphy loves the water. he is probably going to be spending some time in our pool this summer.


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