
so i am at my mom's office right now. i love the internet here and i am not bothered by anyone to get off. like last night i was online looking for a test that could help me figure out what i want to do and ainsley comes in at like 11pm saying that i need to get off so she can just sit and talk on her instant messager. how stupid is that?? that is all she does on the internet. i know wish i hadn't taught her how to do it. and i was actually trying to do something important. so like 10 minutes later i yell down the hall that she can get on and guess what?? she doesn't get on because she sleeping in front of the tv!!!! oh well. i think soon we will get to my dad. anyway in a year or 2 i will be moving out so it won't matter. if i move out that fast. anyway ainsley will be going somewhere in a year and half so it will be all mine anyway.


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