here i am...

so i am here at school already. my car won't be ready until this afternoon so my dad drove me to school this morning. my mom is going to pick me up later. i have never had such car problems in so short of a period. oh well. it is raining pretty hard here so i am sorta glad not to have to drive today. i really don't like to drive in the rain
so i watched the most of the super bowl yesterday. i didn't go to any big parties or anything. i liked the half time show. it was a lot better than last years. janet jackson is going to be remembered for her wardrobe malfunction instead of for her music. but that is her fault.
i went on saturday to see beauty and the beast at my former high school. it was really good. i knew some of the people in it.
i actually studied a lot this weekend. well i studied a lot for math because i have a math test tomorrow!!!! aaaauuuggghh!!! but i think i am pretty much ready for it. and tomorrow is the dreaded presentation in english. at least i am getting it over with now and i don't have to worry about it later. because everyday someone presents on the topic assigned for that day. so i could be presenting like in may. but i decided to pick something something early but not too early. so i could see what other people are doing and then i could decide what to do for my presentation. wow!!! this is a lot!!!! and i still have an hour before my class starts.


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