
so school starts on tuesday. i am a little nervous. i think tomorrow i will go drive up to school so i can figure out where my classes are. i might see if they have my books at the bookstore and see how late the bookstore is open. because my mom wants to go with me to get my books.
today i went to help robin move some of her stuff into her room. it was fun. we went to freebirds for lunch. i got a freebirds t-shirt. maybe later i will put a picture of it up here. depends when i feel like it. i am tired tonight so i don't think i will do it until at least tomorrow.
andrew is leaving tomorrow morning. it is going to be quiet around here. it is going to be wierd. it has gotten cold here. nothing much to post about unless you wanted to hear about a really weird dream that i had the other night.


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