
VACATION!! it is almost here!!! yeah!! it is official. we are going on vacation to Destin, Florida. we finally got a place to stay. it is a pretty nice place to stay for last minute. it has 3 bedrooms so everyone can have their own room. mom and dad obviously in the master bedroom with the KING SIZED BED and ainsley is going to stay in the loft with a QUEEN SIZED BED and i am in the room next to the loft with bunkbeds but if i understand this correctly that the bottom bunk is QUEEN SIZED!! i will figure it out when we get there sunday. anyway i am excited. it seems like a nice place but get this we have to bring a whole bunch of stuff like toilet paper and stuff!! because you don't get daily maid service. they just have maid service come and clean up after you leave and get the place ready for the next family. oh well as long as i have clean sheets. that would be so gross if they didn't change the sheets....ewww!!! hey robin do you remember the conversation we had junior year on the way to school when we were listening to the radio and they had those questions in the morning to win prizes or something? do you remember the question that was "what is one thing they do not clean in hotel rooms?" and it turned out to be the bedspread or something? and we were wondering what the answer was before they annouced it. it really makes you think what they do clean and what they don't clean. like do they always clean the toilet and shower and sink? what if they didn't? what would you find if they didn't? ewww. i don't want to think about it. i am going to think about something else. tommorrow we are going back to school shopping. mostly i think it will be for me because i have more to get before school and ainsley has already gotten a lot of new clothes this summer but knowing ainsley she will want to get something else. oh well i think she will have fun shopping for stuff for my room so it will be ok. my dad says we are going to be leaving a like 5 am on sunday for vacation. we are driving to destin and it is 10 1/2 hours according to map quest. if we do leave that early we will be there like by 3pm but we will probably stop for lunch and pit stops and stuff so it will be like by 5pm. i am going to bring tons of books to read. i am thinking about rereading the HP series so that will keep me occupied for a while and there are tons of other books that i am going to read so i am not going to be bored. i am also going to bring my cd player and gameboy advanced. i have a ton of gameboy advanced games so i will be ok. i wish i could find andrews old gameboy games. andrew had the first gameboy that ever came out and i am supposed to be able to play them on my gameboy advance but i think he gave them away. oh well. i will get over it. i have one of the harry potter games for gameboy advanced. i also have the quddicht (i am not sure i spelled that right but you guys know what i mean right? game for gamecube. i have only played it once and it was only $19.99 and best buy said they were going out of stock so i bought one. i love to shop and there is suppose to be a lot of shoping in destin so i am going to be happy and i am going to go to the bank tommorrow to get some $$ for the trip. i hope i don't spend it all in one place!! lol!!


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