tommorrow is graduation!!! i am so excited!! soon i will be a high school graduate! give me a sack of money!! just kiddig but if you really want to you can!! i can always use money!! but i will be getting a whole bunch this weekend but my parents will probably make me put it in the bank but maybe i will be able to keep some to spend this summer!! but of course i said that with my birthday money too...but i spent it already!! i am glad i put part of it in the bank then i would have saved none of it... you know i just remembered that i put money in there!! if i put money somewhere other than my wallet, i forget about it and then i don't spend it! i am a spender... i go shopping the day i get paid or get allowence...which reminds me that my mom owes me for doing the laundry the other all of my high school teachers: thank you for beign my teachers! i hope you will remember me!! to mr jackson: start you triligy class asap!! i want to be in it... it sound like a great idea!! to mr schrader: read war and peace and then we can really have a discussion or you can just read the notes i made on it from last year!! mr rock: go see harry potter and when the 6th book comes out i can loan it to you for a harry potter point! to mr ballew: bouncing up and down and twirling around in your chair is not good for you or for your chair! i will try to visit you guys next year!!
wow. today i was fired. i think that is the shortest time someone has worked anywhere. i think i lasted 3 weeks. unless you count the girl that trained with me that never showed up after that day. maybe she had the right idea. oh well more time spend with my family because i think i was suppose to work next week. now instant vacation again! and on again the job search/soul search/ where is my future search. at least i like the weather. hopefully i have a good christmas. i don't deserve anything at all but hopefully i will be surprised.