tommorrow is graduation!!! i am so excited!! soon i will be a high school graduate! give me a sack of money!! just kiddig but if you really want to you can!! i can always use money!! but i will be getting a whole bunch this weekend but my parents will probably make me put it in the bank but maybe i will be able to keep some to spend this summer!! but of course i said that with my birthday money too...but i spent it already!! i am glad i put part of it in the bank then i would have saved none of it... you know i just remembered that i put money in there!! if i put money somewhere other than my wallet, i forget about it and then i don't spend it! i am a spender... i go shopping the day i get paid or get allowence...which reminds me that my mom owes me for doing the laundry the other all of my high school teachers: thank you for beign my teachers! i hope you will remember me!! to mr jackson: start you triligy class asap!! i want to be in it... it sound like a great idea!! to mr schrader: read war and peace and then we can really have a discussion or you can just read the notes i made on it from last year!! mr rock: go see harry potter and when the 6th book comes out i can loan it to you for a harry potter point! to mr ballew: bouncing up and down and twirling around in your chair is not good for you or for your chair! i will try to visit you guys next year!!
it is almost the end of the day. i feel like i have gotten a lot of homework done. i finished all of my math homework. i have almost finised A Common Sense. i only have like 15 pages to read. i have highlighted a lot of stuff to put in my answers. there are 10 questions i have to answer on it and i have answers for at least 6 of them. i think the rest of the answers are in the last chapter. i was just getting a little tired from reading all that. the book itself isn't that long but it has an introduction that my mom said i should read. i think it was helpfull because it gave a background to Thomas Paine about him and stuff so i know a little bit more about him and why he wrote the stuff he did and all. after i finish all this stuff (which includes typing out all my answers) i will probably start working on my english paper. which isn't due until march 8th i think so i have a few weeks to work on that still. i already have a rough draft and someone from my class read it for me a...