
Showing posts from October, 2008

Part time job!

so i have a part time job for the next month or so. i am on the early election signature ballot verification committe. i think that is what it is called. anyway i basically check to make sure that the signature on the ballot matches the signature on the early voting application. i make $7 an hour. :) i also got my graduation announcements yesterday. i need to look at them to make sure they gave me the right number and spelled my name right and all that.


so i bought my cap and gown for graduation. they sell it to you by height. so i went and asked if i could try it on to make sure it fits. they were like no just pick out your height and it should fit but if it doesn't, you can return it. so of course i get home and it doesn't fit! typical! so i now have to go back and return it and figure out which one would fit. when i was graduating from cy-fair they had it so you can try on samples and then buy the one that fit. so you knew that you were buying something that fit. UH sure does seem to do things backwards. the good thing is that i ordered my graduation announcements. hopefully they will arrive with no mistakes.

first job interview

so last tuesday i had a job interview at primerica. it started out alright. they gave a presentation. it sounded alright until i started asking questions. i found out that they offer NO benefits and it is ALL comission on sales. no base salary at all. you can ended up making a lot of money. but there is no gaurantee at all. and first you have to go get a license too. you can't earn any money until you get it. you can go and work with someone at the company while you are doing that but you will earn NOTHING until that happens. i am looking for a job that has at least some gaurentee of benefits and salary. so i ended up being so disappointed. it started out great because they were like you can make TONS OF MONEY! they kept pushing that. but they didn't want to talk about how there are NO BENEFITS! then they started to pressure me to accept a job right then and everything. i couldn't do that. so i was like GIVE ME A FEW DAYS ALRIGHT!!! especially since i had 2 tests last week....