
Showing posts from June, 2008

school and july 4th

so i have been doing pretty well in summer school so far. i am starting to feel like i am getting really close to graduate. i need to pass at least 3 classes this summer. i have never failed a class yet but it feels good to know that i have some room in my schedule. because if i fail only 1 class, i have free space in my fall schedule to take it over again. i am only taking 4 classes in the fall so i should be ok. i am starting to see the end. i am glad that i am taking summer school. so far it feels worth it. we are thinking about what to do on the the 4th of july. i was saying maybe we could have a pool party and cookout. but everyone i suggest to have over, my parents are like well they usually go see their family or they probably have plans or something like that. oh well it really doesn't matter. my dad sold his car a couple weeks ago. so of course he is the one that gets to get a new car. when will it ever be MY turn? my turn should have come about a year ago. i am starting t...

adopting a dog part 2

so we have adopted zoe. i think i am having a lot more trouble ajusting than she is. i have been crying for no reason for the past 2 days. i feel so terrible and i have no idea why. maybe i am regretting adopting her. which is probably making me feel worse. i probably should not have adopted a puppy. maybe i should have gotten an older dog, or maybe i should have waited a while longer and actually thought it through a little bit longer. i feel so stupid but she is very cute! i have no idea what to do. there was another family that wanted zoe. i kinda feel like i should have let them have her.

adopting a dog

i have been looking at adopting a dog for a while now. we found one that we liked at this meet and greet thing last weekend. so i filled out an aplication and we are going to have house visit tomorrow. so we may get to get her on sunday. i am so excited but i am also so nervous and scared. it is like half of me is like i want a dog now! and the other half is like i am not sure i want a dog. i guess i am just so afraid that i wouldn't make it happy and take care of it as well as someone else would or something crazy like that. i am scared that she wouldn't love me as i love her. and what if she doesn't get along with murphy? i feel like i have gone completely nuts. i hope it works out.